Add $500,000 - $1,000,000 in new revenue within 12 months with zero ad-spend using the 4-step T.R.O.I. GTM system

A few companies that we’ve won for our partners:

Living Proof: Partners describe how they Skyrocketed their Business using the T.R.O.I. GTM strategy

Don't just take our word for it. Listen to what our partners have to say about working with us.

Oli Mabane - Closeshark

Oli from CloseShark decided to collaborate with Hyperke and the results speak for the themselves. In just 10 months, they signed 29 new clients, increased profitability, and grew their team significantly.

Bradley - Semantic Links

Bradley Benner at Semantic Links signed 5 new customers within 30 days at a 71% close rate, while only speaking with highly qualified prospects booked on his sales calendar completely on autopilot.

Alex Wyatt - Loudlion

We helped Alex from LoudLion overcome previous disappointments with outreach strategies. LoudLion achieved outstanding results, generating over $100,000 in revenue. This success significantly boosted their profitability and enabled the scaling of their team and operations.

Jesse Sanders - Amerisales

We helped Jesse, the Chief Sales Officer at Amerisales get on the phone with C-level executives and decision makers at brands doing at least $100,000/mo in revenue

Josh - The Email Agency

When we first spoke, Josh, was skeptical about working with a demand generation agency after being disappointed by several agencies that promised 10, 20, 50 leads per month but failed to deliver.
Six months into working with us, Josh signed multiple new clients including an 8-figre e-commerce brand and now has 1-3 new sales opportunities coming in every week. Consistently and completely on autopilot.

Ciaran - Blue Finn Media

Ciaran Finn, the founder and CEO at Blue Finn Media, partnered with us to help their agency build a prospecting system that allowed them to book meetings on autopilot. He was already aware that cold outreach was an effective outreach channel but just did not have the time to systemize the process and train someone in-house.We helped them build an in-house system that reduced their costs by 80% (vs their old setup) while also helping them consistently book appointments with qualified e-commerce brands.

Jandre - V8 Media

Jandre de Beer, the founder and CEO at V8 Media describes his experience working with our team at Hyperke (formerly, Eagle Info Services) and shares how they've been able to grow internationally.

Explore more perspectives from our partners who’ve seen tangible growth through our collaboration.

What to expect when working with us

Actual screenshots from our partners' chats - Yes we bring results. Beyond that, we ensure that everything from onboarding to reporting bring zero headaches to you.

We've used TROI system to help our partners:

ROI Counter

Get on average, a 4.2X ROI within 12 months

Revenue Counter

Generated $8M+ in revenue from new business

Appointments Booked Counter

Book 750+ business appointments every month

What’s the ONE thing that STOPS businesses from growing 2X, 3X, or even 5X as fast as they currently do?

• A LACK of sales opportunities in your sales pipeline.
• It isn't for a lack of trying either.
You've done it all - tried hiring salespeople, hopping from one CRM to another, experimented with Linkedin, maybe even sent a few hundred cold emails - but all you got was Unqualified leads, Tire-kickers, and LOTS of frustration.

But, is there a way to do it better?

Most businesses with a half-decent service or product can grow solely through inbound inquiries and referrals.However, these leads are inconsistent, unpredictable and aren't always your ideal prospects. Many businesses relying on inbound leads alone often go through feast or famine phases, some times, being forced to onboard clients that aren't the best fit just to keep the lights on.But, what do you do when you're looking to pursue bigger goals?
What do you do when you want to land that DREAM client that you have no relationship with?
What do you do when you want to ensure CONSISTENT lead flow into your pipeline?
You follow a PROVEN system that enables you to ACTIVELY seek out your dream clients and sell to them through a value-based sales process.This system has helped our clients generate $8,000,000+ in new business generated through direct, cold, outbound contact.Getting them deals with Billion dollar companies such as Blue Origin and 7-eleven, and finding them clients even though they did not have a dedicated sales team - ALL using one ridiculously effective system that we developed:


What is the T.R.O.I. system? Here's a glimpse.

Everyone is using cold email and Linkedin. How do you get ensure that you stand out and get results?
Using the T.R.O.I. system

4 Stages of the T.R.O.I. System

Targeting & TechIdentify your ideal prospect and segment your TAM into multiple target lists.
Setup the outbound infra required to reach 15,000 - 50,000 prospects every month.

Research led SalesInterview happy customers and prospects to understand their fears and desires. Build social proof, sales assets and content to warm leads before they buy.

Outreach for your OfferBuild an offer that targets the prospects' #1 desire or fear.
Use Outbound to generate 15-50+ sales opps every month.

Innovate & IterateReview prospect interactions (sales calls) and feed back into the inputs to create a system that constantly evolves, generating more revenue over time.

Partners that Trust us:

Okay, so now you know the system works. And it has worked for several others just like you

Still on the fence? Go through this FAQ:

Q. Why work with a sales growth partner?As your growth partner, our team imbibes itself within your business to implement systems that will help drive your business closer to the next revenue milestone. Everything we do is optimised for more Revenue and not to hit arbitrary appointment or lead quotas. Our flagship Growth Partner GTM Program is performance-driven and guarantees a minimum 2X return on your investment.Q. How is this different from hiring in-house salespeople?As a business, a sales director is a 6-fig annual addition to your payroll. An SDR or junior sales person is at least $45,000/yr. Employees on payroll require benefits which are not necessary when partnering with us. No 401k match. No insurance. No paid leaves. No need to spend 6+ training & onboarding new employees. You get value starting day ONE.Q. Who is this for?If you have a proven, market-validated B2B offer and know your ICP, this system will bring you results.Q. Do I need to already have salespeople?If you already have a sales team, we will integrate within the existing structure, identifying and capturing opportunities. As your growth partner, not only do we help you generate more leads, but we also put sales systems in place to ensure that you convert as many of those leads as possible.Q. I've worked with agencies that deliver leads but those "leads" never turn into new business. How will you ensure that doesn't happen?Under our flagship Growth Partner GTM program, we work with you, integrating our team within your business. The flagship program is performance-driven, i.e. we partner with you in the truest sense of the word and are compensated by a commission on new revenue generated as part of the program. Doing this aligns incentives and ensures that you're not left hanging with leads that result in zero sales.

Interested in learning more?
Click the button below and let's chat!

About Us

At Hyperke Growth Partners, we help B2B service based companies and SaaS companies add $500,000 - $1,000,000 in revenue within 12 months.Founded in 2019, by Atishay Jain, we have driven a cumulative $5M+ in sales pipeline, helping businesses all over the globe drive sales revenue using the T.R.O.I. GTM System.

See you on the other side!


Address: #43053, 30 N Gould St. Sheridan, Wyoming 82801

Reach out to us:
🏢: #43053, 30 N Gould St.
Sheridan, Wyoming 82801

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